Friday, March 4, 2016

Recent Developments

Occupational therapy connections continue in Ethiopia. Highlights include:
·      Five occupational therapy students from Belgium and Sweden are completing their practical placements and research in Addis Ababa with children with intellectual delays
·      We will train staff of Ethiopia’s first home health company on hygiene in home care, transfers, exercise techniques, and the basic tenets of occupational therapy
·      We’ve made a fabulous connection with Ethiopia’s only speech therapist to support her work to expand from cleft palate to children with other developmental delays and for her to support our work to grow the field of occupational therapy

·      We attended a symposium on supporting new medical schools throughout Ethiopia and learned valuable information regarding program development for the upcoming occupational therapy degree program

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Adwa Day

Ethiopia is the only nation in Africa not to have been colonized. This is an extreme source of pride in this country.

Today, as this nation remembers with pride their defeat of the Italians in the battle of Adwa in 1896, I reflect on occupational justice and occupational apartheid in Ethiopia through a photo essay demonstrating the difficulties Ethiopians face achieving basic sustenance, despite a plethora of international aid, development corporations, NGOs, laws, and policies giving all Ethiopians equal rights to self determination, freedom of religion, inclusion, and pursuit of a meaningful life.
Construction workers in the capital
Open sewers in Kechene
Morning commute among construction in Meganagna
Morning commute near Blue Nile Falls

Coming home from market near Blue Nile Falls
Fetching water near Blue Nile Falls
Shepherd boy
Fisherman, Lake Tana